honey from the comb is sweet to your taste

know also that wisdom

is sweet to your


Proverbs 24:13

the key to much, if not all, is truth and honesty

let your moral compass,

not your mind or feelings,

guide you there


the journey and the final destination

will be worth it

do not be quickly provoked in your spirit

for anger resides in the lap of fools

Ecclesiastes 7:9

through the unfolding of life

man reaches perfection

Tao Te Ching

v 15

there is


choice to be made

and from that choice,

the others


sometimes we want to go our own way rather than follow the ways of god

Life Application Study Bible


unfurl your soul



no one can tell me,
nobody knows,
where the wind comes from,
where the wind goes

A. A. Milne

pure coincidence to have two quotes beginning with: no one can, but this is what i want to post today so it’ll stay

no one can make you

feel inferior




Eleanor Roosevelt

when we value our independence from god,

or anything, for that matter, more than

our dedication + obedience to god

our lives become temples

to that idol

our actions reveal our character

we’re not cast in stone:

. change .

turn and change

man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that god desires



life’s problems overwhelm us only because we refuse to be still … every day

Blaise Pascal

read recently that the alternative to (the basic principles of) making sound decisions is prejudice:

so get the facts

be open to new ideas

(truly) hear all there is to hear

why are you

already shaking your head?

it is the picture of a new human nature,

and a new nature in general,

being brought into


CS Lewis



is nothing but the truth,

while pride is a lie

Vincent de Paul

how much do you truly want peace?

i mean:

in your life

and heart and mind?

such peace doesn’t mean lack of conflict …

such peace means being

the heart of the discerning acquires knowledge;

the ears of the wise

seek it




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