words revolving in my head—
which I repeated as I drove home a little while ago so I would remember them:
facultades extraordinarias
which are
extraordinary powers
Did not want to chance them to my cell recordings, where they could get lost with hundreds of voice memos. I think I need these now. They are not in any order and do not belong together. But I either heard or read them today and, as I said, I think I need them.
need is quite a word
See, I am translating Mine To Give with my poor Spanish. Poor because I do not speak it much — as in very seldom — although I read + understand it perfectly well. My vocabulary lacks so much, whereas my English blossoms
with words that come to my mind
without me being certain if they are correct, yet they usually are. I must re-read the novel to improve the Spanish, and can’t wait to expound on new words. I know I will add more to the list now that I have these four. So excited instead of despairing! To boot, while translating, I noticed a few grammar and syntax errors in the published English novel. 😢 Updated it on Amazon on Saturday and will do so again tonight.
adding the english word pariah—
I’m sure I could use it. =| If not in the novel, then elsewhere. Definitely could use it in A Tale To Tell. Sometimes, it is easier to say one word to describe something, though it is sometimes better to draw out what one wants to portray. Not in the case of
pa·ri·ah | pə-ˈrī-ə
2: one that is despised or rejected: OUTCAST
The indomitable black sheep. See, that word just jumped at my fingertips! Will check the definition.
in·dom·i·ta·ble | in-ˈdä-mə-tə-bəl
: incapable of being subdued: UNCONQUERABLE
I don’t know about incapable. Everything is possible. Synonyms: impregnable, insuperable, invulnerable … cannot be tamed.