something about what you said

yesterday keeps revolving in my head:

we travel in a circle

it almost seems like a

constricting thought

but a circle can be intrinsic, and that’s what I believe you meant. If not, it is what the thought will be to me  —  in·​trin·​sic | in-ˈtrin-zik: belonging to a thing by its very nature; lying within a given part

we travel in a circle — broken yet not

continuing together even though we pull apart

scribble date 09.08.09

I wrote this snippet on my site, and it continues to amaze me whenever it appears. I hear the voice speaking, a whisper in my head, although it isn’t mine. Not sure whose. There is more to it, but it’s too much to put in one place. Plus, what’s left is tangential and filled with definitions that relate to the black and white of the words, as well as to the ethereal meaning of whatever one would want the words to mean. Whatever the context. I was in a concentric circle mood just earlier this week, and about three weeks ago after reading CS Lewis, where he offers:

think of your man as a series of concentric circles

Will leave for another day. There’s no getting away from it — the circle. Or something.