i have so many posts started

on paper, electronically, on notepads and scraps, but want to write about bread + soup. It is July 27, and hot. I mean, hot. But I’ve been craving soup for a couple of weeks. So, I am baking bread “as we speak.” =)

My husband just decided to make stir-fry for dinner. If he’s cooking, I’m in.  So the bread’s out the window. But at least it’s done. Always wonder, while making it, why we don’t make it more often. When we buy flour, we divide it into storage bags in the amount we normally need for a loaf (4 cups). This makes it easy to plop ingredients in the machine without a mess (that happened already during the initial measuring if (most probably) my husband was the one who measured). Tomorrow is supposed to be as hot and humid as today. Maybe I’ll make the soup then. =)

bread done. sliced and bagged. in freezer.

Did not make soup — it was hotter than hot, and I forgot that it was league night and I had to play golf. Soon-ish, I’ll make the soup.